Brew guides


A celebration of tradition and balance. Matcha is stone ground whole leaf tea from Japan, whisked together with hot water to create a frothy and centering beverage. It can be enjoyed traditionally or served as a latte with the addition of milk.

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Cupping at home

Taste and evaluate coffee just like the professionals do, from the comfort of your home kitchen.

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Automatic Drip Machine

A classic method when brewing for a group or for those who prefer a hands off approach.

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French Press

A classic multiple-cup brew method that allows all the oils to pass into the cup and impact the body and texture.

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Our go-to method in both of our shops. We have found this method to be the most effective way to maintain consistency and efficiency.

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Single cup pourover

A simple, user-friendly recipe that works for a vast amount of brew methods. This is our approach to our single-cup pourovers, including Kalita Wave, V60, Hario Switch, and Chemex.

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