Carlos & Julie Batres

Montecarlos Estate

Media featuring Carlos & Julie Batres

Situated on a stunningly picturesque volcano in El Salvador’s Apaneca region, the Montecarlos Estate is a truly remarkable coffee farm and a fitting testament to the passion of its visionary proprietors Carlos and Julie Batres.

Each year, Passenger’s green buying team selects one of the main varieties cultivated on the farm (caturra, catuaí, or bourbon) to serve as our Foundational Montecarlos offering, as well as the base component of our Stowaway Blend. With each annual harvest, we also traditionally purchase special selections of two additional varieties from the farm, pacamara and gesha, that have become well-loved staples of the Reserve Lot menu.

While the Batres family’s investment in top quality coffee production is clearly evident in each and every cup of Montecarlos, their commitment to making a positive impact in their local community is equally notable. Through decades of growth and evolution, Carlos and Julie have earned a well-deserved reputation as kind and generous employers: paying their workers well above national minimum wage, offering stable employment for individuals that might otherwise be forced to live on the move as migrant laborers, and investing in schools, road improvements, and accommodations for the local police force.